gadgets and gizmos a plenty...

There has been a steady incline in marathon runners over the past years. In 2007, 403,000 marathon finishing times were recorded in the USA. Have IPods and NikePlus changed our societies ability to endure the long hours that marathon training entails?

societal implications

Does it seem as though our society has been using this technology to turn a timeless activity into a clock managed, and regimined health goal?

Could it be that through over stimulation and information overload, we, as a society, need a gadget to compete with our attention and give us a reason to run?

YouTube nike+ ad

In this video we can see that iPod can change the way we run. It is no longer a scenic run that enables us to think and take in the sounds...we get to decide what we hear, and in turn, enahnce our pace through music. We are able to track our runs so that we are always striving to improve. Our calories are logged so that running is no longer just about improving stamina and muscle, but is only as good as the calories we burn. Or is it?