
Societal Implications

Think about the times before GPS tracking devices. It is absolutely facinating that we, as runners, can now run without pre-tracking our run. GPS systems like tha one Garmin has introduced has allowed for us as consumers to eliminate the monotonous chore of driving or car around neighborhoods and streets to reach our milage goal. This GPS system of running has allowed for the spontaneity to return to running like never before. I can cut down an ally, cross though a neighbors yard, and even run through a park while still knowing how far I have run. Not to mention the Garmin watch offers many other special features that are changing the way we run at a fast pace. Never before has technology been able to offer us so much insight into what our exercise is doing for our bodies.

Running with garmin's gps

This is the Garmin 205 series GPS running and cycling tracker. Costing about $214, you can track your distance as well as monitor your heart rate (by attaching the hear rate monitor included in the package) as well as wirelessly upload your data to your computer.


All in all, this seems like a handy little contraption that can eliminate a lot of the frusterations of trying to "calibrate" other models to your pace.

I have heard that it might take some time for the GPS to be able to clock your positions though.

running without gps

To solve the problem of tracking indoors, Garmin has also created a "foot pod," whick works much like a Nike+ shoe insert in that you have to calibrate the foot pod with your pace.

These foot pod run from about $99-$119, and are easily tied onto your shoe laces.

The thing I like about these products are that they offer the tracking device of a GPS as well as include a heart rate monitor. To purchase a Nike heart rate monitor, it will cost you about $100.